عن مستودع أدوية الإشراق
بدأنا في عام 2011 كشركة للمستلزمات الطبية لمدة 7 سنوات ثم تطورنا إلى متجر أدوية بسبب الحاجة للعمل في الأدوية والفيتامينات. نحن وكيل لشركة نمساوية كبيرة CROMA Pharma تنتج مواد مالئة وماسك ، كما أننا وكيل لشركة Sidomuncul الإندونيسية الشهيرة لتصنيع مشروب الطاقة KUKUBIMA ومنتجات عشبية أخرى.
Our Principles
Quality, our successful story
Our mission in our store is to build fruitful relationships with well-established companies outside and inside Jordan. to help people finding healthy products, to hire people helping them find jobs, finally share in building our country.
Our vision is to be one of the most serving companies in town to our people and to our country by bringing items serving in health and beauty.
Also to hire people till we have over 100 staff, train them to be a qualified and useful member in society. We are looking to be agents for big companies and factories around the world.

KukuBima Ener-G!
SIDOMUNCUL – KukuBima Ener-G! is a pioneer of powdered energy drinks with various flavour variants, and is useful as a stamina supplement for both men and women, presents a variety of flavours including orange, mango, pineapple, coffee, and Grape.

Saypha Filler
Decades of experience in the production of products based on hyaluronic acid and unique expertise in aesthetic medicine have made “Croma Pharma” an internationally renowned specialist in the field of skin rejuvenation.
Our team

Dr.As’ad Falah Al-Sabbah
General Manager

Amal As’ ad Al-sabbah
Assistant Manager

Abrar As’ad Al-Sabbah
Assistant Manager in Beauty Line, Medicine & Vitamins line

Baha’a Alden Fakhory

Heba Alfares
Representative Medical

Mariam Abdel Jaber
Human Resource

Omar AL-Halawani

Osama Nezar

Waleed Alhashash
Contact us
Amman – Jordan